How does Council work?

Our elected officers report to Council so that you can influence and have input into what they are doing on your behalf. Council also appoints students to influential committees such as the University Senate which plays a key role in setting the academic direction and governance of the University.

How do I become a councillor?

UUSU holds election for Student Council on an annual basis, with elections taking place for 39 seats in September/October each year. Alongside that our Student Officer team of 7 individuals sit on council and are elected in the Leadership Elections every March for the following academic year.

We have a large variety of seats from Campus based seats, to those focused on Mental Health, Postgraduate Researchers and many more.

Look out for more details on the socials, check out our briefing packs in the information station or contact Mark @

How is Council made up?

Your Student Council is your voice within your Union, to set our direction and campaign for the change you want to see on and off campus. There are forty six students on this representative body.

Want to get involved?

You are in luck elections will be opening soon for all roles on Council. To find out more click here.

If you have a query or need more information, please contact one of our Voice Team staff members listed below.


  • Mandy Mulholland
    Student Voice Manager
  • Mark Francos
    Governance & Policy Coordinator
  • Charlotte Doak
    Student Voice Coordinator (Engagement)
  • Paul Frazer
    Student Voice Coordinator (Academic Representation)