Feeling Social
committee needed for 23-24 contact Karen on societies@uusu.org for more info
Hello, we are the UUJ Socialist society! Our main goal is to increase understanding of socialism within the university community, and to encourage all students to speak up for what is right, and not what is easy. From debates, book readings, and documentary nights to awareness campaigns, protests, and workshops, we aim to make sure all socialists effectively engage with not only the theories of socialism, but the practical nature of it. Regardless of your political background, joining this club will give you confidence and critical thinking skills.
You will always be welcome, and this will not be an echo chamber and so healthy debate that strengthens socialist values within us is encouraged and we will actively make sure that no one group completely dominates the society. We aim to work with other societies to educate and uplift marginalised groups such as women, queer folk, and the BAME community. We will also work with other socialist organisations to create an effective network of socialists for jordanstown, old and new.