Athletics Belfast

Our Athletics club offers a diverse range of cardiovascular sports activities. From running, sprinting, jumping, and throwing. The club offers the chance to train alongside like-minded individuals who share your same passion for the sport. We offer a great amount of support, teamwork and a great sense of community. Join now and set goals, push your limits, and experience the excitement of competitive sports.

Team UU Athletics Contact Form


Monday 15:30-16:30 UU Sports Village - Athletics Area
Wednesday 15:30-16:30 UU Sports Village - Athletics Area
Thursday 17:00-19:00 UU Sports Village - Athletics Area
Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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