Apprenticeship Society, Belfast

To view our website which includes all future and previous events, committee members, meetings and plans, please see... here.

To join our slack channel where we discuss and plan our events, please click... here.


As an apprentice, I'm not part of any UU Societies because they generally involve a large time commitment and meet during working hours when I cannot be there. Furthermore, the aim of this society is to cater to apprentices, give you a space to network with like minded people and have a fun social event to look forward to once every 4 weeks or so. These events will usually be organised around Belfast City Centre, and depending on interest there is a possibility for bigger events like a ski trip or formal.

Examples of some other events I'd like to organise could be... bowling, pub quizzes, talks from local professionals, dinners, charity events, and pub nights. These events would be decided by apprentices, using our Slack channel, apprentices are able to suggest things they would like to do and then we will all vote on it and then the event with the most votes will be the one we do.


Please tell us about the key aims of your society

  • The aim of this society is to cater events towards the around 800 apprentices that are a part of UU. Doing an apprenticeship can be very busy and I think that due to time commitments and a lot of societies holding meetings during/close to working hours apprentices can miss out on this important social aspect of the university experience and I would like to help these students feel more part of the university and get more involved in the social aspect of university.
  • Meetings would be as inclusive as possible for example only on days that suit all apprentices and not on a day that apprentices have late classes, if we go to restaurants then these must have veg/vegan/halal options etc to cater for all needs and “pub nights” would be infrequent as due to some students’ beliefs they wouldn’t be able to attend these events.
  • Create a community of young professionals who can support each other.


Please identify how your society will benefit students

  • Events will be every 4 weeks or so on a day that suits all apprentices if possible and will allow apprentices to socialise and meet like-minded people without too much time commitment that it is unsustainable for them.
  • This will enable apprentices to learn via talks and give them a platform to practice public speaking by giving talks to other apprentices


Please identify some events or activities which your society would like to arrange throughout the year

  • Bowling
  • Talks from local professionals
  • Dinners
  • Quizzes
  • Charity events
  • Pub nights
  • and even a few times a year some bigger events like a ski trip or formal.



Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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