

  • School of Nursing Society, Magee Standard Membership£3.00 Log in to join

School of Nursing Society, Magee

The nursing society is for all nursing students at Ulster University to interact with others on a social basis, it is run by students from first year up to third year to ensure that events and opportunities will target all age groups.

The aim of the Nursing Society is to provide support and encourage the formation of new friendships, new skills, confidence and allow you to interact with the local community. Together as a team we listen, care and respect everyone's views and do our best to help you with any questions and queries you may have about nursing and the different pathways that nursing can influence. 

The sign up fee is £3 which will allow us to organise different events and learning opportunities for nursing students, however we may also ask for donations for optional charity events or society merchandise. 

To be informed of the latest goings on don't shy away sign up today!

Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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