Belfast Events

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Forthcoming Events

Fri 28th March

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.

Sat 29th March

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle

Sun 30th March

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle

Mon 31st March

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Live Music Mondays at CQ Social
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social Belfast
Good tunes from the best of local talent

Tue 1st April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Film Society Move Night poster Film Society Movie Night
6pm - 9pm
Join us for a chilled night in which we watch a movie, have themed weeks and complete a quiz at the end of the night.
Tuesday Pub Quiz Belfast
8pm - 11pm
CQ Social Belfast
A firm favourite pub night!

Wed 2nd April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Illustration Society Pot and Paint with ThreeCsConnect
4:30pm - 6pm
A chance to paint your own pot!
Computing Society Logo Computing Society Easter Pub Quiz
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social, Ulster University Belfast
Join us for another fun quiz night in CQ Social!

Thu 3rd April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Engineering Formal 2025
7pm - 11:45pm
Clayton Hotel Belfast
Innovate, Celebrate, Elevate!

Fri 4th April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.

Mon 7th April

Comedy Night: Mickey Barlett & Friends
7pm - 11:55pm
Belfast Campus CQ Social
Tickets £5 only with promo code ACCESS
Live Music Mondays at CQ Social
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social Belfast
Good tunes from the best of local talent

Tue 8th April

Tuesday Pub Quiz Belfast
8pm - 11pm
CQ Social Belfast
A firm favourite pub night!

Thu 10th April

Drag Music Bingo Belfast
8pm - 11pm
Your fav Queen brings competition, music & more!

Fri 11th April

Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.

Mon 14th April

Live Music Mondays at CQ Social
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social Belfast
Good tunes from the best of local talent

Tue 15th April

Tuesday Pub Quiz Belfast
8pm - 11pm
CQ Social Belfast
A firm favourite pub night!

Fri 18th April

Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.

Wed 30th April

Marketing Society Formal
7pm - 11:59pm
Europa Hotel

Wed 21st May

Architecture Society Formal
7pm - 11:59pm
Europa Hotel, Great Victoria St, Belfast BT2 7AP
Welcome to the Architectural Formal, where we celebrate and congratulate the ending to another year in UU Architecture. Theme: Black Tie Formal Bring your partner~ Bring your friend~ There is only a limited amount of spaces, be quick!

Thu 29th May

Law Ball 2025
7pm - midnight
End of year celebration open to all years of Law based courses including post-grad.

Thu 5th June

The Doctoral Society Ball 2025
7:30pm - 1am
Waterfoot Hotel
Dress Code: Black Tie Ticket Price: £40 (Non-refundable)
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Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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