Events in April

Forthcoming Events

Tue 1st April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Live Sport on the Screens Magee
noon - 11:59pm
Rock Road Social Magee
Catch up on sport at your UUSU bar
EngSocLogo English Society Weekly Meeting
4pm - 6pm
Room U116
Come along and discuss English with like minded people and have some fun!
CASS Weekly Rehearsal
5pm - 9pm
Collab Lab
Coleraine Arts and Stage Society Weekly Rehearsals in the Collab Lab (Tuesday)
Film Society Move Night poster Film Society Movie Night
6pm - 9pm
Join us for a chilled night in which we watch a movie, have themed weeks and complete a quiz at the end of the night.
History Society - Shut up and Write
6pm - 8pm
Room I023, IBlock, Coleraine Campus
History Society weekly meetings with fun filled activities every week. Come join us and get involved.
Bingo & Karaoke Magee
7pm - 9pm
Rock Road Social Magee
A mix of bingo and karaoke - the best double whammy
Drag Karaoke Coleraine
8pm - 11pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
The best mix of drag and karaoke!
Tuesday Pub Quiz Belfast
8pm - 11pm
CQ Social Belfast
A firm favourite pub night!

Wed 2nd April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Live Music Lunch Time at Magee
noon - 2pm
The best of live local music on campus
Illustration Society Pot and Paint with ThreeCsConnect
4:30pm - 6pm
A chance to paint your own pot!
Student Council & Annual Student Meeting
5pm - 7pm
All students Welcome
5pm - 7pm
SU Social Space
A weekly event for international students to meet both each other and local volunteers, with a different activity each week to enjoy together.
CORE Wednesday Gaming Nights
6pm - 10:30pm
Bunker Bar/RR Social/Magee Games Room (Bottom Floor MG)
Wednesday Gaming Nights with consoles, Warhammer, DnD and board games.
Live Music Wednesdays Coleraine
6pm - 8pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
Live local acts on campus
Computing Society Logo Computing Society Easter Pub Quiz
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social, Ulster University Belfast
Join us for another fun quiz night in CQ Social!

Thu 3rd April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
PhD Pen to Paper
4pm - 6pm
PhD pen to paper. Dedicate the time to write, together!
Thursday Film Night
3rd April 6:30pm - 1st June 8:30pm
Weekly film screening
Engineering Formal 2025
7pm - 11:45pm
Clayton Hotel Belfast
Innovate, Celebrate, Elevate!

Fri 4th April

UUSU Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic Raffle
14th March 3pm - 4th April 3pm
The Paramedicine Society - Student Paramedic and General Raffle
Games Day Coleraine
noon - 4pm
From Peer Pong to Monopoly there's something for everyone!
Live Music Lunch Time at Magee
noon - 2pm
The best of live local music on campus
Best local acts live at your campus
Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.
Latin Dance weekly class
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Get ready to move, groove, and have fun at Ulster University’s Latin Dance Class! This one-hour session is perfect for all levels, whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced dancer. Learn the passionate rhythms of Salsa, Bachata, Merengue!
Latin Dance Society Launch Event
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Join us for an electrifying Latin Dance Launch at Octagon this Friday, April 4th, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM! Get lost in the passion of Salsa, Bachata, and more—no experience needed, just your energy!

Mon 7th April

Monday Pub Quiz Magee
6pm - 9pm
Rock Road Social Magee
A firm favourite pub night!
Comedy Night: Mickey Barlett & Friends
7pm - 11:55pm
Belfast Campus CQ Social
Tickets £5 only with promo code ACCESS
Live Music Mondays at CQ Social
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social Belfast
Good tunes from the best of local talent
Monday Pub Quiz Coleraine
8pm - 11pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
A firm favourite pub night!

Tue 8th April

EngSocLogo English Society Weekly Meeting
4pm - 6pm
Room U116
Come along and discuss English with like minded people and have some fun!
Weekly Rehearsal
5pm - 9pm
Collab Lab
Coleraine Arts and Stage Society Weekly Rehearsals in the Collab Lab (Tuesday)
History Society - Murder Mystery Party
6pm - 8pm
Room I023, IBlock, Coleraine Campus
History Society weekly meetings with fun filled activities every week. Come join us and get involved.
Bingo & Karaoke Magee
7pm - 9pm
Rock Road Social Magee
A mix of bingo and karaoke - the best double whammy
Comedy Night: Mickey Barlett & Friends
7pm - 11:55pm
Magee Rock Road Social
Tickets £5 only with promo code ACCESS
Drag Music Bingo Coleraine
8pm - 11pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
Your fav Drag Queens bring competition, music & craic!
Tuesday Pub Quiz Belfast
8pm - 11pm
CQ Social Belfast
A firm favourite pub night!

Wed 9th April

Live Music Lunch Time at Magee
noon - 2pm
The best of live local music on campus
Live Music Wednesdays Coleraine
5pm - 7pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
Live local acts on campus
5pm - 7pm
SU Social Space
A weekly event for international students to meet both each other and local volunteers, with a different activity each week to enjoy together.
CORE Wednesday Gaming Nights
6pm - 10:30pm
Bunker Bar/RR Social/Magee Games Room (Bottom Floor MG)
Wednesday Gaming Nights with consoles, Warhammer, DnD and board games.
Comedy Night: Mickey Barlett & Friends
7pm - 11:55pm
Coleraine Bannview Social
Tickets £5 only with promo code ACCESS

Thu 10th April

Doctoral Society Yoga Session
11am - 12:30pm
Yoga Fundraiser
Thursday Film Night
10th April 6:30pm - 8th June 8:30pm
Weekly film screening
The Bioball - School of Biomedical Sciences Formal
7pm - 11:59pm
The Royal Court Hotel Portrush
Drag Music Bingo Belfast
8pm - 11pm
Your fav Queen brings competition, music & more!

Fri 11th April

Games Day Coleraine
noon - 4pm
From Peer Pong to Monopoly there's something for everyone!
Live Music Lunch Time at Magee
noon - 2pm
The best of live local music on campus
Best local acts live at your campus
Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.

Mon 14th April

Monday Pub Quiz Magee
6pm - 9pm
Rock Road Social Magee
A firm favourite pub night!
Live Music Mondays at CQ Social
7pm - 9pm
CQ Social Belfast
Good tunes from the best of local talent
Monday Pub Quiz Coleraine
8pm - 11pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
A firm favourite pub night!

Tue 15th April

EngSocLogo English Society Weekly Meeting
4pm - 6pm
Room U116
Come along and discuss English with like minded people and have some fun!
CASS Weekly Rehearsal
5pm - 9pm
Collab Lab
Coleraine Arts and Stage Society Weekly Rehearsals in the Collab Lab (Tuesday)
Bingo & Karaoke Magee
7pm - 9pm
Rock Road Social Magee
A mix of bingo and karaoke - the best double whammy
Drag Karaoke Coleraine
8pm - 11pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
The best mix of drag and karaoke!
Tuesday Pub Quiz Belfast
8pm - 11pm
CQ Social Belfast
A firm favourite pub night!

Wed 16th April

Live Music Lunch Time at Magee
noon - 2pm
The best of live local music on campus
Live Music Wednesdays Coleraine
5pm - 7pm
Bann View Social Coleraine
Live local acts on campus
5pm - 7pm
SU Social Space
A weekly event for international students to meet both each other and local volunteers, with a different activity each week to enjoy together.
CORE Wednesday Gaming Nights
6pm - 10:30pm
Bunker Bar/RR Social/Magee Games Room (Bottom Floor MG)
Wednesday Gaming Nights with consoles, Warhammer, DnD and board games.

Thu 17th April

Film Society Thursday Film Night
17th April 6:30pm - 15th June 8:30pm
Weekly film screening

Fri 18th April

Feel Good Fridays - Peer Support Group
10am - noon
The Doc Magee
A monthly wellbeing boost by PhD Researchers, for PhD Researcher. Step away from your screen. Connect with your peers. Prioritize you. Because your wellbeing matters as much as your research.
Games Day Coleraine
noon - 4pm
From Peer Pong to Monopoly there's something for everyone!
Live Music Lunch Time at Magee
noon - 2pm
The best of live local music on campus
Best local acts live at your campus
Live Music Fridays at CQ Social
4pm - 8pm
CQ Social Belfast
Grab a drink and relax with live local artists.

Tue 22nd April

Christian Union Magee Formal
6pm - midnight
CU formal in Everglades Hotel! Look out for further info about times etc!

Tue 29th April

Psychology Society Study Sessions
29th April midnight - 30th April midnight
WK 3-6= U110 , WK 7-8= H227, WK9-12= U110
Join our weekly study sessions to collaborate with fellow psychology students, review key topics, and prepare for exams. Led by society members, these sessions offer a supportive space for discussion, problem-solving, and peer learning.
CASS Weekly Rehearsal
5pm - 9pm
Collab Lab
Coleraine Arts and Stage Society Weekly Rehearsals in the Collab Lab (Tuesday)

Wed 30th April

Psychology Society Study Sessions
29th April midnight - 30th April midnight
WK 3-6= U110 , WK 7-8= H227, WK9-12= U110
Join our weekly study sessions to collaborate with fellow psychology students, review key topics, and prepare for exams. Led by society members, these sessions offer a supportive space for discussion, problem-solving, and peer learning.
CORE Wednesday Gaming Nights
6pm - 10:30pm
Bunker Bar/RR Social/Magee Games Room (Bottom Floor MG)
Wednesday Gaming Nights with consoles, Warhammer, DnD and board games.
Marketing Society Formal
7pm - 11:59pm
Europa Hotel
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Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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