
We endeavour to provide everyone with a high-quality service, but if you are dissatisfied it is your right to raise a concern or make a complaint. Depending on the nature of your complaint will define how it is progressed, please click on one of the two options below for addition detail.

My complaint is about another student member or a student representative of UUSU and directly linked to activity or engagement related to UUSU.

All student members of UUSU are expected to behave in a way that does not bring the Students’ Union into disrepute. They must be mindful of their own health and safety, as well as that of other members of staff, members, and University colleagues. They must not act in any way that could be deemed disrespectful to others, bring the organisation into disrepute, be aggressive, intimidatory, violent, or fraudulent. These behaviours are not exhaustive but illustrate the type of behaviour that could lead to a complaint been made.

If you have a complaint that relates to a student member of UUSU you should consult Bye-Law 7 which details the member code of contact and the process for complaints made against them. As per the Bye-Law, UUSU appoints a Designated Staff Member to administrate all complaints relating to Student Members. As the senior staff member for HR matters, Colin Campbell the Director of HR and Campus Operations will be the default to act as a ‘Designated Staff Member’ for supporting any investigatory or disciplinary processes related to this Bye-Law. In the first instance, the Designated Staff Member should be contacted on to provide guidance on the process related to the Bye-Law and discuss the paperwork required to submit a complaint which can be found here.

My complaint is about a service I have received from UUSU, an activity that I have taken part in, a member of UUSU staff, an elected Officer or something related to UUSU.

Our full Complaint Procedure Document, related to complaints about UUSU can be viewed here, however for the ease of access the overarching process is detailed below.

Informal Stage

It is our policy, that in the first instance, we would attempt to find a way in which to resolve complaints easily and amicably and as such it is expected that, a complainant should normally initially follow the informal process as found on our website and copied below.

If you have any concerns about a service that you have received, then you have the right to raise an informal complaint. Depending on your complaint please get in touch with us through the relevant contact as below. Please note, if your complaint is regarding a student member or elected representative, then the below is not the correct process and you should click here to be taken to Bye-Law Seven which covers this.

  • If your complaint is about any of the below areas, we would ask that you please contact Colin Campbell our Director of HR, and Campus Operations on
    • Our UUSU representative structures.
    • A UUSU activity you have attended or taken part in.
    • Is regarding any of our UUSU structures or activity.
    • The service you have received from our UUSU Advice Bureau
    • Any aspect of our physical space or behaviour/conduct within these (please note the UUSU branded bar spaces are operated by a third party and any complaint relating to these should be directed to Compass Group).
  • If your complaint concerns any of our elected officials (full time and voluntary) please contact the UUSU President on
  • Finally, if your informal complaint relates to any of the named individuals above, you should contact David Longstaff, CEO of UUSU on

Formal Stage

Should you feel dissatisfied with the outcome of your informal complaint, or if you feel it should be immediately considered formally, you are able to submit a formal complaint to us.

You will need to do this in writing by downloading and sending the complaints form, which can be accessed here via appendix one. Your complaint should then be sent to Colin Campbell, our Director of HR, and Campus Operations at in the first instance. Your complaint may need to be shared internally to establish the most appropriate way to fully investigate the matter.

Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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