
We know that student housing is a massive problem. From mould and insect issues, to slum landlords, to sky high rents which leave you without any cash to live on, UUSU recognises that something must be done. We’re working with NUS-USI on lobbying for change in Government, and are working to develop student housing co-ops to give you better value for money and more autonomy about your living situation. While we’re working for national change, here’s what you’ll see about campus.


If you are new to the private rental market, it can be difficult to navigate what you are entitled to. This year we’ll be running workshops and publishing a renters rights guide, to make sure when you go to rent a house you know what to ask, what the red flags are, and where to get help if things go wrong.

Our Advice Bureau is well placed to help you get the assistance you need in your housing matter or refer your query to the appropriate authority. If you need help, check out the housing section in our Advice dropdown, or make an appointment to speak to an advisor.

We want to hear from you! When we’re working to lobby for better student housing, it helps us to know your real experiences. No matter how minor you think the issue may be, get in touch so that we can represent you effectively – and if it’s on going, we can get you set up with an advisor to work towards a resolution.

Tell us your story here.

We know that the price of rent leaves students struggling to afford to live. That’s why we’re offering advice on living on a budget. We are working towards a world where this kind of help isn’t necessary, but for now we hope these tips will make things a little easier.

Check out our TikTok, where your officers will be posting videos to help you manage your budget, and keep an eye on our website and other socials for blogs and workshops from money saving experts!