
Firstly, ensure you get your course timetable as early as possible in order to make requirements for childcare. Students are expected to reach a minimum attendance requirement, (see your course handbook) so you should ensure that you plan ahead.

Secondly, think about childcare for self-study time as well as timetabled lectures, seminars etc. Think about the possibility of needing more time around coursework deadlines or exams. The priority is to manage your childcare needs appropriately.


If you’re a student in further or higher education in the UK you may be able to claim social security benefits from the government in addition to any student funding you get. The benefits you can apply for depend on your circumstances and whether you’re studying full- or part-time.

Most full-time students are not entitled to any benefits whilst they study but students with disabilities or dependent children may be eligible.

If you have a partner, they may be able to apply for benefits for you both, but again some of your student income will be considered when his/her benefits are calculated.

Social security benefits can be complicated, and the government are making a number of reforms at present with regards Welfare Reform and Universal Credit. If you have any questions or are unsure of your entitlement you can seek support from the UUSU Advice Bureau.

Child Benefit

Child Benefit is available to all parents of a child or a qualifying young person (child aged up to 19 in full-time education). It is a fixed amount per child:

  • First Child £20.70 per week
  • Second and subsequent children £13.70 per week

Universal Credit

UC has replaced many income-based legacy benefits such as Income Related JSA, Income Related ESA, Income Support, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits and Housing Benefit. It will be implemented throughout the North on a staggered basis from September 2017 to December 2018.

You may be eligible for UC if you study part time. You will only be eligible to claim UC as a full-time student if any of the following apply if you’re:

  • in a couple and your partner is eligible for Universal Credit
  • responsible for a child, either as a single person or as a couple, if both of you are students
  • disabled and entitled to Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment and have limited capability for work
  • in ‘non-advanced education’ (for example, studying for A levels or a BTEC National Diploma), are 21 or under and don’t have parental support

Contact an Advisor

You can contact one of our experienced adviser's. Simply fill out the short form and an adviser will try their best to help or signpost you to the right department / person. We try to respond within three days of form submission.
Advice Form

Ulster University SU

Ulster University Students' Union was established in 1984 and is a membership-led organisation which represents over 26,000 full and part-time Ulster students. Company Number NI646426 (Registered in Northern Ireland).

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC107053.





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